Black Life Everywhere
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Muslim detainee only given pork in violation of religious beliefs at Border Patrol detention facility
21 Savage faces deportation after being arrested by ICE, who allege that he is a British National
Homeland Security uses fake university to lure and entrap undocumented students
ICE dumps 200 migrants at El Paso bus station, leaving them in the cold with no money or shelter
Trump promises government shutdown will remain unless border wall funding is approved
ICE facility maintained by GEO Group is blocking access to lawyers for detained immigrants
American citizen sues ICE following three week attempt to deport him to Jamaica
Trans woman immigrant who died in ICE custody was abused, family says
ICE and the DEA are paying for hidden streetlight cameras to be watch you all across the country
Motel 6 will pay millions after releasing guest lists to ICE, leading to arrests and deportations
AP investigation of 2-year-old separated from mother at border exposes systemwide exploitation
NC elections board unanimously votes to allow fight of ICE’s voter records subpoena
DACA protections for immigrant youth may head to SCOTUS after conservative judge’s ruling
Largest for-profit prison company in Florida threatens to sue Dream Defenders for anti-ICE protests
Philadelphia ends contract with ICE following protests
17 arrested in South Florida as pro-immigrant protests pick up steam
Calls to #AbolishICE are counterproductive unless they are also a call to #AbolishPolice
Meet the Black immigrant woman who climbed the Statue of Liberty to protest I.C.E.
Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez upsets high-ranking official in NY primary. What’s next?
The mayors and governors using their political sway to stall Trump’s immigration policies
ICE arrests 114 at Ohio gardening stores in one of the largest workplace raids in years
Betsy DeVos says schools can call ICE on undocumented students, activists push back
Homeland Security hits Salvadoran people while they are down, announces end of status
New Yorkers try to stop ICE from arresting man, Hardat Sampat, on way to court
Racist flyers posted in Chicago encourage Black people to deport Latinx residents
Report: ‘Imprisoned Justice’ Details Life Inside Immigrant Detention Centers
Dreamer to be Deported After Speaking with Media
ICE Has Detained Nearly 700 Immigrants In Just Five Days
12 Protesters Arrested After Blocking Traffic In Downtown Chicago
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