Erica Garner Calls Out NYC Mayor de Blasio For Hypocrisy

Pretty much everyone in New York has ignored a law restricting the public release of police officer’s disciplinary records for more than 30 years. To be honest, most people probably forgot it was even on the books. However, that all changed once the police reformation activists, and even a judge, requested to get a look into the past of the officer who killed Eric Garner with a chokehold.
According to the New York Daily News, Erica Garner, the late 43-year-old’s oldest child, didn’t take too kindly to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s decision to hide behind this law 30 years after it’s been ignored.
“Just cause you love Black p—y don’t mean you love Black lives… cc @BilldeBlasio,” Garner tweeted.
De Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, is black and they have two children together.
“God has a way of exposing fraud … Bill De Blasio can say whatever he wants. Black people here get no justice in his administration in NYC,” she continued.
De Blasio has come out numerous times saying that he would like to release the records, but feels that his hands are tied by the red tape of the law. The extra efforts being taken to keep NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo’s past hidden is only making the tension between the activist community and local politicians and police.
Photo Credit: Wiki Commons