Jeronimo Yanez, officer who shot Philando Castile, receives $48K payout to leave department
Former Officer Jeronimo Yanez shot Philando Castile on July 6, 2016. Ever since then, his life’s gone pretty good for someone who narrowly esxaped murder charges.
Yanez was acquitted of all charges connected to the shooting because of the [apparently fool-proof] “I feared for my life” defense. Most recently, it was announced that he not only got to leave his position on his own terms, but he got paid thousands of dollars to do so.
The StarTribune reports that the city of St. Anthony agreed to a payout of $48,5000 to part ways with Yanez and ensure that he would never be allowed on the police force again. It was also a means to keep Yanez from taking any form of lgeal action against the city in the future in connection to the legal proceedings of the case.
“In order to serve the public interest and quickly assure the public that Officer Yanez will not continue as a St. Anthony police officer, the City has entered into a separation agreement that ends all employment rights of Officer Yanez at the City,” said a statement posted on the city’s website. “Since Officer Yanez was not convicted of a crime, as a public employee, he would have appeal and grievance rights if terminated.”
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Again, much like the state’s governor, everyone agrees that Castile’s death was a tragedy for all, yet no one is going to be punished for it.
“A reasonable voluntary separation agreement brings to a close one part of this horrible tragedy. The City concluded this was the most thoughtful way to move forward and help the community-wide healing process proceed.”
Yanez will also receive funds for the 600 hours he took of paid leave following the shooting.