
Residents of a predominantly black Florida neighborhood received shocking news when they discovered flyers from the KKK in their front yards.

Pastor Laws noticed the flyers, which were aimed at recruiting members for the infamous hate group.

From WOFL:

Families found pamphlets with the distinct hooded image in their yards Monday morning.  The flyers were placed in plastic bags and weighted with fishing lures so they would not blow away. Timothy Washington found one in his front yard at North Myrtle Avenue and called the police.  He says, “I looked at it and I thought, wow. Still in this day and age we have that type of hate going on.”

Read more at WOFL

Residents believe the neighborhood was targeted as it’s a known fact that most of its inhabitants are African American. New Smyrna Beach police gatheres some of the flyers as evidence, but have not found the person who distributed them.

Due to the United States Constitution, while the flyers are offensive, they are protected under the 1st amendment.

When will the hate end?

Thoughts on the stunt?

Should residents be afraid?

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