

Twitter is the latest company to confirm that the field of technology isn’t diverse.

The company released a statistical breakdown of the genders and ethnic backgrounds of its employees, and like many companies, the “diversity report” does not live up to its name. 

From The New York Times:

Nearly 60 percent of Twitter employees identify as white in the report, while 70 percent of Twitter’s global employees are male. The most underrepresented groups were blacks, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders and Hispanics, with a combined total of those groups making up less than 7 percent of the company’s United States-based employees.

Twitter said 30 percent of its employees are women. But among tech employees, only one in 10 is a woman. Among people in leadership positions, 21 percent are women.

Read more at The New York Times

A few weeks ago, fellow social media network Facebook reported a similar demographic breakdown with roughly 57 percent of the company’s U.S. based workers are white and 34 percent Asian. Blacks and Latinos make up less than 9 percent of the company’s employees.

Both company heads echoed the same sentiments, that the problem needs to and will be addressed.

Twitter, like Facebook and other companies started a number of initiatives to change the racial of people of color and women in positions at the company.

But like many of the other companies, Twitter said there is more work to do.

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