‘Little Apple’ web series follows Black girl superhero fighting against racism in Harlem
Executive producers Lisa Cortes and Riley S. Wilson are bringing to the screen a sci-fi, coming of age story about a Black girl who gains powers while fighting gentrification and racism in Harlem.
Little Apple is an upcoming web series following Apple, a 9-year-old who develops claircognizance (all-knowing abilities), which leads her to fight systems of oppression in her city. “Little Apple is a sci-fi/drama series and comic book with a clear focus on empowering youth to use their own voices for good,” Wilson explains. “Reflective of the times, this project adds context to racial and social justice and opens up the conversation to our most precious members of society. If we truly believe that children are our future, its high time we start engaging with them as such.”
He continues, “Throughout history, it’s been Black women who’ve proved to be the most consistent representation of what heroism is… And when you add in the historical potency of what Harlem represents—it was a no-brainer for me. A little Black girl, born and raised in Harlem fighting patriarchy, racism, and bad energies? That’s my kind of hero.”
Cortes adds, “My career has been dedicated to empowering inclusive voices and giving light to visionary stories. Little Apple is a rich, inspirational narrative of young people with agency.”
Little Apple’s first season will explore the themes of Black feminism, gentrification, and indigenous people’s erasure in six episodes.
Milan Williams will play Apple as she develops supernatural abilities while navigating racism, tensions between classmates, and enemies in Harlem.
Williams says, “I like the power it comes with. It’s my job to the voice of other people that look like me and are me in other ways.”
She continues, “Normally if you ask me to think of a superhero that looks like me I wouldn’t be able to think of one. Hopefully soon, if someone asks a little girl that looks like me if they know a superhero that looks like them, now they’ll be able to think of Little Apple.”
You can learn more about the project here!