Officer Who Shot Keith Lamont Scott Won’t Be Charged

Keith Lamont Scott, 43, was shot by Charlotte police in late September. Officer Brentley Vinson reportedly shot Scott after he allegedly left an SUV in front of his home with a gun in hand and denied orders to drop it.
District Attorney Andrew Murray has announced that Vinson would not face any charges in Scott’s death, according to the Charlotte Observer.
Murray reportedly asked a panel of 15 veteran prosecutors for insight into the case and they unanimously agreed that no charges should be brought against Vinson.
Immediately following Scott’s death, protesters filled the streets to express their frustration with the loss and to encourage local officials to hold those involved accountable. A similar protest was held after it was announced that no one would be going to trial.
Authorities also took the opportunity to argue against the claim made by Scott’s family that he didn’t own a gun and was actually holding a book when he was shot. This defense was only strengthened when people who claimed they witnessed the shooting later said they didn’t see anything at all.