Ramsey Orta, Man Who Filmed Eric Garner’s Death, Sentenced To 4 Years

Ramsey Orta,22, shot the video of Eric Garner, the 43 year old Staten Island man choked to death by police. His video has been released where Garner repeatedly voiced that he could not breathe while officers used excessive force to hold him down. (Photo By: Debbie Egan-Chin/NY Daily News via Getty Images)
Ramsey Orta, the man who filmed the fatal arrest of Eric Garner, has been sentenced to four years in prison connected to drug charges and possession of a weapon.
According to the New York Daily News, Orta had sold an undercover officer multiple drugs on nine occasions. He was also caught with a .25-caliber handgun.
Orta filmed Garner’s arrest in 2014 and, ever since, has had multiple interactions with police. Initially, he and his supporters claimed that he was being targeted for his role in exposing a dark spot in the NYPD’s actions.
“No justice no peace! F–k these racist police!,” said protestors in the courtroom as Orta was placed in handcuffs. Orta came out this past July to say he’d be pleading guilty because he was “tired of fighting.”
“Ramsey filmed Eric’s last words, and that’s how my child will hear his voice,” said Jewel Miller, the mother of Eric Garner’s youngest child. “Ramsey Orta is a young boy. He’s just getting into adulthood. He’s just becoming a man and it’s really sad.”
Meanwhile, Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who used the choke hold on Eric Garner that lead to his death, is still employed by the NYPD and brought in over $100,000 in salary, due to overtime and bonuses.
Photo Credit: Wiki Commons