An internal review by the LAPD found that Christopher Dorner’s allegations of racism were unfounded, and that he was justifiably fired from the force.

As you probably remember, Dorner made the allegations in a manifesto released during a violent rampage earlier this year, and vowed to get revenge for his treatment.

His violent rampage sparked a manhunt, ending in a fiery standoff at a cabin in the mountains.

From the Huffington Post:

The findings, which are expected to be made public this month at a Los Angeles Police Commission meeting, concluded that Dorner had a history of embellishing stories, misperceiving slights and making bogus complaints against his fellow officers, Rice said.

He took more than twice as long as most officers to complete his training, was nearly incomprehensible during the hearing over his firing, and only filed a complaint against his training officer when he learned she gave him a bad performance review, Rice said.

The department said in a statement the review had not been finalized.

“Any comments or conclusions about the contents of the review are premature,” it said. “The LAPD will announce the review once finalized.”

Read more at the Huffington Post


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