Non-profit honoring Kanye’s mother to change name after beef with Kim Kardashian

Kanye West, courtside at an NBA game in 2011 Image Credit: Nick Herrera Image Source: Flickr
Donda’s House, a non-profit founded in 2011 by rapper turned Trump acolyte Kanye West, Rhymefest, and Donnie Smith to honor West’s late mother Donda is reportedly changing its name following Kanye West’s recent Trump supporting Twitter rants and a feud with his wife Kim Kardashian-West.
The organization had been repeatedly asked to respond to West’s TMZ interview where he claimed slavery was a choice, which turned into a direct debate with TMZ’s Van Lathan that went viral.
On Friday, the non-profit soon to be formerly known as Donda’s House released a statement:
Over the last few months due to Kanye’s statements and tweets, we have fielded requests for interviews and statements. We have been tagged in comments on social media about Kanye West, and we have been questioned by our foundational supporters and corporate supporters about Kanye’s public involvement in our organization. While we cannot and do not speak for Kanye West and his views, we can and will speak up for the youth that we serve. We ask that those who feel hurt, angered by or frustrated with Kanye West not penalize or throw away their support, respect and advocacy for us.
Following Drake’s shots at Pusha-T, a rapper on Kanye’s imprint G.O.O.D. Music, Rhymefest took the opportunity to remind the public of Kanye West’s commitment to the youth of Chicago, including a conversation he had with West in which West reportedly replied, “Fuck the youth of Chicago.”
In response, West’s wife Kim Kardashian-West fired off rounds of incendiary tweets, mocking Rhymefest for allegedly wearing knock-off Yeezy’s and being an unknown rapper, and threatening to dismantle the organization.
The tweets and Rhymefest’s response are below:
U haven’t been right since u got kicked out of the studio in Hawaii wearing fake Yeezy’s @RHYMEFEST 😂 You’re over levergenging Kanye’s name & asked Kanye to donate money to u so stop w your fake community politics & lies. Truth is you haven’t been able to sustain the foundation
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) May 26, 2018
I saw you at our studio a few weeks ago so why didn’t you bring this up then @RHYMEFEST ? You were trying to get Kanye to listen to your sub par beats. You have the audacity to use Kanye’s mom name to try to shead a negative light on Kanye.
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) May 26, 2018
You better believe I will make it my mission to take Donda’s House from you and let my children run it the way it should be run! @RHYMEFEST
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) May 26, 2018
Sorry to all of my followers for flooding my timeline I know you have no idea who Rhymefest is.
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) May 26, 2018