Florida High School Students Stage Sit-In To Make African-American History A Full Year Course

High school students in Jacksonville, Fla. staged a sit-in earlier this week as a form of protest to demand that African-American history be made a full-year course.
Terry Parker High School students came together and agreed that African-American history would benefit all students and is worthy of being taught all year instead of the current one semester.
Fortunately, the students who organized the protest, including tenth grader Angelina Roque, will not be disciplined, according to CBS 47.
“I respect that students demonstrated self-advocacy and used their voice to signal concerns about their education,” saidSuperintendent Nikolai Vitti. “If there is student demand for a full-credit and yearlong African-American-hHistory course, then we should and will provide it to students. We will work through the process of developing and offering that course.”
The next step to make their demands a reality will be for students to make their request in writing and work with the school system.
Photo Credit: CBS Screenshot